Introducing The Monkey

10686785_10153185044324251_6941841095901225236_nWelcome back to my blog. I say welcome back, because I write this in January 2021 having last posted on the site in 2015. Time has flown and my time has been taken up by amongst other things a new job in 2015 at West Berkshire Brewery, and opening a bar in 2016 (The Tuppenny) alongside my musical endeavours. But, Covid-19 has meant a prolonged period at home on furlough from the brewery, and a bar that has been forcibly closed and having to run as an online delivery business. So, more time on my hands, which has resulted in a return to a little bit of writing, more reading and a very overdue return to photography!

So, what can you expect to read here? Originally it was mainly a repository for my music reviewing for the Ocelot magazine (not even a print magazine any more), written under my nom-de-plume Gig Monkey, along with my running of an independent record label (Secret Chord Records) and promoting live music (via Songs of Praise / SoP Live). Some of that has changed, some hasn’t. But expect the musical element to be added to with a lot beer related musings, photography and my return to film making. You may also hear about my life as a 40-something-year old divorced father of four, who lives in a weird former railway town in the West of England. There may also be general musings and other assorted adventures, scrapes, issues or thoughts I may have on life, love, politics and any other subject that a feel like typing about. It may be boring, but it could also be the greatest thing you have ever read. Who knows. Read on and find out….


Ed / Gig Monkey

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